Thursday, December 27, 2007


Well, I hope everyone enjoyed their holidays. Santa was good to me this year...among many other great gifts, I got a Wii (now you get the title of the post, right? It would be Whoopee, but since I got a Wii, it's Whoopii...get it? ha...ha...ok, sorry that was lame). My next step is to get some games, but my brother was nice enough to lend me some games for a few days. I dedicated the better half of my day off yesterday to playing, and chances are that this will become a trend. I do have a Gamestop giftcard to spend...anyone have any suggestions for a game that I should get?

Another gift that I got for Christmas was beer (surprise!). My parents got me some, and Hilary's parents got me some. With the variety of beer that I drink, I have always felt a need to keep track of the various brews that I consume. A while ago, I started saving bottles...eventually, I realized that I would be crawling through bottles in my bedroom if I kept that up. Hilary's Mom inspired me, however, to save the labels...which is exactly what I started doing (unfortunately, the label for "Santa's Butt Porter" ripped as I tried to get it off). If you have any ideas with what to do with the labels once I get a good collection, let me know...

One of the highlights of my time off was playing Cranium with my brother Dan and my parents (my Dad and I vs. Dan and my Mom). If you enjoy board games, and have never played Cranium, you should definitely go pick it up. I've mentioned how competitive my family is before, so board games can sometimes evolve into wrestling and yelling at each other. However, we managed to get through the game with no serious injuries...


Tom Whalen said...

You forgot to mention that we were kind enough to call the Cranium game a tie when we were really kicking their butts.

Kevin said...

I forgot to mention it, but it definitely ran through my head...

I gotta get the picture of Mom's clay sculpture up on here and have people guess what it is.