Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Caption Contests

Caption contests are great, whether there is a prize or not. For those unfamiliar, various blogs and websites hold contests usually involving a very random photo, inviting anyone to come up with a clever or humorous caption to go along with it. It's kind of like a minimized, pinpoint version of Mystery Science Theater 3000.

Well, one series of blogs that you should all include in your rotation are those from Wired. I'm particularly a big fan of The Listening Post, The Underwire, and Gadget Lab. I was perusing Gadget Lab yesterday when I came upon one of these caption contests...which of course I entered...and I just found out that I won! The prize: a virtual beer (which of course I'll enjoy after work).

Check out the post here.


David Oblas said...

thats a beer you can enjoy virtually anytime...

Mike said...

That's virtually the coolest thing I've read all day.